Thames Valley Early Music Forum
Downloadable music
Samuel Scheidt workshop
4th March 2018
The music is all for double choir but for most of the pieces, to save paper, singers will be given just the music for their chorus. Singers and players will be assigned specific parts so do not download anything until you know which yours is.
If you are happy to sing from a part then apply to David Fletcher.
Chorus scores
Chorus 1 (28 pages)
Chorus 2 (28 pages)
Full scores
Vater Unser im Himmelreich, ed. G Eichler (30 pages) needed by both choruses.
The chorus scores, together with Vater Unser comprise all the music, but you can download full scores below
1. Surrexit (Puer natus in Bethlehem), ed. G. Eichler download
2. Angelus ad Pastores Ait, ed. C. Shaw download
3. Ascendo ad Patrem Meum, ed. C. Shaw download
4. Veni Sancte Spiritus, ed. C. Shaw download
5. Komm Heiliger Geist, ed. C. Shaw (Note: NOT Komm Heiliger Geist Herr Gott) download
6. Das Alte Jahr vergangen ist, ed. S. Cassola download